
Austro Musli Plus Capsules

Original price was: ₹880.00.Current price is: ₹864.00.

Company Name->Austro labs

Content->Safed Musli, Ashwagandha, Javitri, Shilajeet, Kapikachhu, Amla, Gokhru, Samudrashosh, Bal Kuwari

Packing—->30 capsules per pack


Austro Musli Plus Capsules

Austro Musli Plus Capsules details-

Austro Musli Plus Capsule is extraordinarily effective natural sex enhancer which helps to increase libido and sexual desire and works as a powerful male and female sex stimulant.

Austro Musli Plus Capsule is a complete solution for all the sexual problems.

It will give you X-TRA POWER, EXTRA TIME, AND X-TRA PLEASURE and will show you the healthy way to heavenly moments.

Austro Musli Plus Capsule is formulated by Safed Musli, widely known as Indian Herbal Aphrodisiac.

This is a unique formulation of ingredients consisting of the highest quality extracts from world’s best exotic herbs.

Austro Musli Plus Capsule Key features—->

  • Increases libido
  • 100% herbal formula
  • No side effects
  • High potency extracts used
  • Extracts are taken from natural herbs as well as herbs cultivated using bio-organic methods
  • Bio-degradable containers are used for packing.
  • Powerful anti-oxidant
  • Works as a strong energy booster
  • Offers anti-ageing agent
  • Works as a stress reliever

It’s used to treat the following common problems—->

  1. Erectile Dysfunction: This may happen due to psychological reasons as well as health problems.
  2. Premature Ejaculation: If a man ejaculates before a woman reaches orgasm in 50% or more of their sexual encounters, he is positive to Premature Ejaculation.
  3. Acquired inhibited sexual desire: The usual reason for male inhibited sexual desire is frustration and embarrassment over a sexual dysfunction, especially erectile problems.
  4. Fatigue: lack of energy, inability to maintain the erection throughout the sexual act, stamina problems, failure in satisfying the women etc are the other major reasons found in men.

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As per customer’s requirement, we can also ship it in a private packing.

The content of the medicine mentioned here are for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Before consuming this medicine, we strongly recommend you to seek the advice of a physician/ qualified Doctor first with any questions you may have regarding your health or the above medicine as consuming the medicine without consulting your Doctor may cause serious health issues.

Musli Plus Capsules

The product is manufactured by Austro

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The content of the items mentioned here are for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

We highly recommend you to seek the advice of a physician first with any questions you may have regarding your health.

Also, we at 24buyonline, do not recommend any alternate items from our side, so if you need any alternate item instead of the one you are ordering, then you should consult your physician first.